tisdag 15 maj 2007

Book quiz

Blev lite ledsen när jag såg Babar... Men sen... När jag läste texten kändes det helt ok.... Den stämmer säkert in på många.. Men ändå. Ganska nöjd. O visst är Celeste vackert!

You're Babar the King!

by Jean de Brunhoff

Though your life has been filled with struggle and sadness of late, you're personally doing quite well for yourself. All this success brings responsibility, though, and should not be taken lightly. Life has turned from war to peace, from damage to reconstruction, and this brings a bright new hope for everyone you know. These hopeful people look to you for guidance, and your best advice to them is to watch out for snakes.
You're quite fond of the name "Celeste".

Gört---> Book Quiz

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